


Welcome to Master's Touche Foundation (MTF)

Masters Touche Foundation (MTF) is a non-profit orgnization aimed at providing leverage for fundamental change in the lives of senior citizens, vulnerable individuals and impoverished communities. Our interventions are grouped in umbrella projects such as: 1. MTF We Care: Interventions targeted towards indigent communities such as soup kitchen, Christmas in the Streets, etc. 2. MTF Super Girl: Initiative aimed to empower women in the society by providing skill acquisition and future-ready trainings. 3. MTF Golden Age: An avenue for the elderly to experience inclusivity, an initiative that engages elderly citizens in social activities thereby terminating social isolation.

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We are Master’s Touche Foundation non-profit organization that supports good causes and positive change all over the world.

Food & Nutrition

Many Indigent communities in Africa combat hunger and malnutrition. We support by organizing soup kitchen and other meal programs

Health Care Support

We raise money to establish healthcare interventions for vulnerable children, adults and senior citizens. We also address mental health issues and offer counseling and support services for those who may be dealing with mental health challenges.

Empowerment Programs

we offer vocational trainings for women and youth to enhance their economic self sufficiency.

Elderly Causes

We provide healthcare, social engagement programs, and interventions to elderly individuals who may be living in poverty or isolation.

Social Inclusion

We promote inclusion and community participation, reducing social stigma and discrimination.

Education & Advocacy

We direct resources to ensure public awareness on healthy living for all ages especially the elderly; we also advocate for living a fulfilled happy life no matter the age.



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